Certain moments and events, be it exciting, tragic, significant, funny, etc., can make all of us stop dead in our tracks and force us to think and weigh-in on our life’s purpose and force us to take stock of our life, our belongings and interactions with the world and so on. Listed below are some common themes of such occurrences that may justify hitting the reset button in an individual’s life and trigger a more organized and de-cluttered state of mind, space and even put one on the path of a simplified life.


Moving residences or switching jobs can be one of the most stressful situations an individual will face in life.  It is a critical time when each of us has to come face-to-face and confront our vast collection of things and clutter. Unfortunately, as daunting as the task at hand seems, it is impossible to avoid, unless, one decides to adopt a ‘donate all’ or a ‘dump all’ approach and move empty-handed. It is essential to be honest with oneself and question if something is truly significant and has high usability. The next step requires one to confront the packing/unpacking of the items deemed ‘important & required’ while carefully and meticulously packaging and labeling each collectible. Often the individual elects to delay the de-cluttering process until the move has been completed. As predicted, that time rarely comes and the unopened boxes get parked into lofts, garages and any available nook and cranny of available real estate.

Transformational Opportunity: The ‘stuff’ is greatly reduced, reused or eliminated in its entirety via donations/giveaways; Make a clean and fresh start by not carrying ‘old junk’ or ‘clutter’ forward into one’s new space; Save money by not paying to transport clutter from one place to another; Open up the new space for positive and blockage free energy flow.

The organization and the de-cluttering process can be repeated again once at the new destination.


Making that big commitment can be an exciting step in an individual’s life. However, moving in with another individual can be an overwhelming task and the last thing one needs is to clutter and destroy any domestic bliss. Not only are two individuals’ possessions being brought into a single space, but, more importantly, two sets of beliefs and imaginations are also being combined into a single vision on how each individual perceives their new home to be. The initial task requires that the couple now turn their attention on streamlining their combined possessions.

Another exciting and life turning event in an individual’s life is when their family is expecting a new arrival. New parents often regret not sorting out their cluttered home before the baby arrives. As most everyone will soon discover that there is limited time to spare after the new bundle(s) of joy take over with their playful presence and endless baby paraphernalia spread all around the house.

Transformational Opportunity: New couples/parents make a conscientious decision to not overload their new relationship with old stuff and new stuff; teach little impressionable minds from an early age to live in a clean, healthy and clutter-free space.


Going through a break-up, separation or a divorce of any relationship is a difficult and fraught time for all parties involved and when emotional temperatures tend to run high. During these difficult times, it is important to be gentle with oneself and understand that everyone involved is experiencing pain and struggling to cope with not only the heartbreak but, is also dealing with dividing up the joint possessions. Dismantling one’s life and home that was built together can be a heart-rending and painful experience. However, once the dust has settled after the separation, it is usually followed by a period of re-adjustment and getting reacquainted to one’s new status. As emotional human beings, one tends to hold onto things that remind one of the old relationships, crippling the individual from moving forward. It takes a strong will and a determined stance to let go of that bitter ending and bring one’s current environment to match one’s current lifestyle.

Transformational Opportunity: The individual gives themselves permission to ‘let go’ of things & relationships that no longer serve any purpose; Open one’s space and life to new possibilities and more positive experiences.

Feature Image Source : nextavenue.org