We have compiled the recipes for our 4 awesome ‘Veeba Chef of the Month’
Puja Rawat Sethi is an IT professional, working in the corporate environment from the last 15 years. Favourite Celebrity Chef: Jamie Oliver, Nigella
Her Kitchen Must haves: My favorite knife, cutting board, blender, my avorite pan to cook, salt/pepper, cheese, and condensed milk
Kitchen tools she can’t do without: Knife, peeler, and blender
Cooking style: Fusion food, Desserts, and any other food item that is simple, easy, quick to churn up, and of course “hearty”
Shefali Saxena is an ex-software professional and now a full-time mom, dabbling into various interests, cooking & food being a major one. Favorite Celebrity Chef – Jamie Oliver Kitchen Must-haves – Various Dips/dressings and my own special chilli paste Kitchen Tools she cant do without – My special Wok and my blender for smoothies Cooking Style – Simple, no-fuss recipes. Her favourites are Asian cuisines.
Sana Ahmad is a mother of two, a stay at Home Mom and loves to cook food for any possible occasion. When you have two very young and demanding kids your hands are already full with almost no scope for anything but despite that if you take out time for cooking and enjoy doing it the most than you have found your true calling. The same happened with her. After hosting parties at home, doing the food on her own for years and getting rave reviews from family and friends she was motivated enough to become a ” Home Chef”. Now a full-fledged home chef. She loves to cater to all kind of gastronomy desires with a little ambition to leave her mark in this world of food!
Upasana Mahtani Luthra , Director PR , GurgaonMoms Director GurgaonMoms Book Club Mom of two teenagers and an avid book reader . Self confessed Bollywood buff