Anshu Bhatia
Managing Editor@ Gurgaonmoms.com Writing is my passion and love penning down my thoughts .I truly believe in this quote by Paulo Cohelo ' Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions.
61 PostsAnupama Jain
Anupama Jain is the author of 'When Padma Bani Paula', a breezy novel about acing the second chances of life by staying true to one’s roots and 'Masala Mix: Potpourri Of Shorts', a short story collection on the myriad manifestations of love (Both published by Readomania) She is a contributing author to Better Parenting for Children of Tomorrow, The Readomania Book of Romance, The Readomania Book of Crime Thrillers, The Readomania Book of Folk Tales, The Readomania Book of Horror, Mock Stalk & Quarrel, When They Spoke, Crossed & Knotted ( India's first Composite Novel, 2016 LIMCA book of Records Holder), Chronicles of Urban Nomads,- (all published by Readomania), and ’When Women Speak Up’ an e-book of inspiring stories published by Women’s Web. She has been a top blogger across various coveted online forums like Women’s Web, and Momspresso, winning multiple awards. Anupama is the founder & admin of ‘Senior School Moms’, a popular Facebook group. She is also Head - (Content, Collaborations, and Marketing) of ‘Incredible Women Of India’, and an admin of 'Stories From The Peninsula’ Her favorite genre is humour. She currently stays in Gurgaon with her family.'
21 Posts
This website has been created for mommies. Professionals and all Gurgaon Moms are welcome to submit articles. We encourage mompreneurs in Gurgaon to list your businesses free of cost. Write to me at [email protected].
695 PostsKiran Chaturvedi
Kiran Chaturvedi is a wearer of many hats. A trained Sociologists, Ex- Qualitative Researcher and now Owner and Founder of Birdsong & Beyond. A passionate advocate and practitioner of sustainable lifestyles and holistic living. Avid observer of life, the world and fond of traveling and explorations. She has manifested her love of travel, exploration, culture, anthropology and nature in her new venture, Birdsong & Beyond, to promote slow, off beat, experiential holidays with a deep nature and culture connect. A bespoke Journey Designer company, Birdsong & Beyond specializes in unique getaways with a deep soul connect, showcased by our own property in remote, pristine Western Garhwal Himalayas. We create customized itineraries as per your needs and preferences in almost 2 dozen locations across India, and a few very special ones abroad, in Dubai and The United Kingdom. Our itineraries are built on years of extensive, in-depth research, old connections and the first hand travel experiences of our team. Even in the better known places a Birdsong sojourn has it unique elements of delightful discovery and enriching encounters. These are journeys that speaks to the senses, heart, and mind. When you travel with us you stay in small home stays, jungle lodges, old family homes and heritage structures. Your hosts and caretakers are folks with local roots - traditional or self created, and scores of stories to share. A sojourns with us lets you soak in and connect with the local culture, geography, ecology, history, nature, and through all that, with your own human essence.
1 Post
Neela Kaushik
Neela Kaushik is the Founder of GurgaonMoms. She is a passionate advocate for Women's Rights. Being a mom herself, she believes every mom needs a local support network where she can discuss , share and find inspiration from.
8 PostsVidya Deshpande
<p>Vidya is the Founder Director of <a href="http://on.fb.me/1GRheCu" target="_blank">SoulPurpose Travel</a> - An Adventure Travel group for women. She was a Broadcast and Print journalist for over twenty years. She was a successful Editor with Headlines Today. .</p>
5 PostsVidya Raja
<p><span style="color: #262626; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 16px;">Vidya Raja is currently busy trying to write on a variety of interests across food, travel, motherhood and law, while running behind a handful of a toddler, even as her once proudly worn advocate’s robe gathers dust in her cupboard, desperately hoping to be useful to her again sometime in the near, if not late, future. She is a resident of Gurgaon.</span></p>
28 Posts