Parenthood is a lifelong adventure, filled with surprises and challenges. But for some parents, the journey takes on a unique dimension. This is the story of my daughter Khushi, a young woman with autism who has defied expectations and blossomed into a talented individual. 
 Life’s Unexpected Turns 
Like most couples, my husband and I dreamt of a perfect family. We were heartbroken by a miscarriage but overjoyed when Khushi arrived in 2002. Initially, we saw her development as typical. However, as she approached her second birthday, red flags emerged. Constant crankiness culminated in her losing all verbal communication. Doctors were initially dismissive, but a move to Noida led us to a perceptive playschool principal who pointed us towards Dr. Roma Kumar. The diagnosis of autism with a developmental delay hit us hard. Grief and confusion gave way to a fierce determination to help Khushi. 
 Embracing Intervention
The recommended therapies were expensive and impersonal. Thankfully, we found Action For Autism (AFA), a wonderful NGO. They emphasized speech therapy and a dedicated special educator. Under their guidance, Khushi began taking her first steps, both literally and figuratively. However, financial constraints led my husband to take an opportunity in Africa. This move, though well-intended, resulted in regression for Khushi. We returned to India, starting afresh. 
Finding the Right Fit 
Back in India, Khushi thrived under the care of Poonam Ma’am, a dedicated special educator from AFA. We also enrolled her in a play school for holistic development. Yet, another move, this time to Congo, disrupted her progress. We learned a valuable lesson: stability was crucial for Khushi. 
Inclusion and Beyond 
Returning to India, we settled in Faridabad. Finding a suitable school proved challenging. Finally, Poonam Ma’am, our guiding angel, suggested Heritage School in Gurgaon. Khushi secured admission and began a unique inclusion journey. Initially integrated for activities, she transitioned fully into mainstream classes by the fourth grade. While this presented challenges, it also fostered her creativity and energy. We enrolled her in various activities, including Shiamak dance classes, where she discovered a passion for music and a supportive environment. 
Academic Excellence and Social Struggles  
Khushi excelled academically, managing her studies without tuitions. However, the teenage years brought new hurdles. Puberty coincided with mainstreaming, leading to social isolation. Despite supportive teachers, she craved friendships that remained elusive. This continues to be a source of pain for her. 
Adaptability and Resilience 
Life continued to throw curveballs. A mid-tenth grade move to Muscat presented another challenge, which Khushi, with her remarkable adaptability, overcame. She scored brilliantly in both her 10th and 12th grades. While Canada was our initial choice for her higher education, the pandemic intervened. We enrolled her at the American University of Sharjah based on online research. Once again, luck favored her. She recently completed her Bachelor of Science in Multimedia Design, managing everything independently. 
Gratitude and Looking Forward 
Looking back, I am filled with immense gratitude for the teachers, mentors, and therapists who have supported Khushi’s journey. While moments of comparison with peers arise, Khushi’s achievements are a constant source of pride. Her university’s Vice Provost recognized her hard work, inviting us to his office and presenting her with a letter of achievement. This small gesture exemplified the power of appreciation. 
A Call for Acceptance 
Our journey is far from over. Societal attitudes often focus on labels rather than potential. Inclusion remains a challenge, both personally and professionally. Khushi’s story is a testament to the power of love, support, and the human spirit. It is a call for greater understanding and acceptance of neurodiversity, not just in schools but in all walks of life.

This write up is by Shelka Arora 

Shelka is a math honors graduate from Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University. Soon after her graduation. she joined HSBC Bank in November 1995 until she decided to call it quits to be with Khushi in September 2003. After her diagnosis,she hasn’t really gotten down to following any passions of her own, but she loved learning to play the guitar. Music and dance are her stress relievers