We women tend to forget ourselves , de prioritize our feelings and put ourselves last ( or not ) on the list. Once a marriage sours , love remains only with and for the children. They become the reason for many decisions. The two women in this book are not out to find love but respond to that missing link , that forgotten feeling .

Did I just get all serious here ? Well this book is a far cry from that! Although some paragraphs at the beginning of each chapter do hit home. This is a light and frothy read and one can read it in a jiffy. It’s a breeze and a pleasure to read.

The title itself presents a word not heard too often. Affluenza : a psychological malaise supposedly affecting wealthy young people, symptoms of which include a lack of motivation, feelings of guilt, and a sense of isolation.

This amusing term is elaborated with sparkle and shine by the author.

Shunali’s witty comments left me in splits. Her descriptions of day to day mundane things a home maker encounters are hilarious . Her take on Bollywood and the characters she meets is something else. The kaleidoscope that is Bollywood is wonderfully sketched out here. The author shares what is the stark reality of this world of glitz and glamour.

Whoever thought being a Mom and a homemaker is not a job will definitely re think after this read. Like Oprah Says “ It’s the toughest job in the world ”

It’s not often that a book makes you yearn to complete it as well as remain immersed in that happy bubble. The situations and the characters etched out by the author are familiar and at times much larger than life. Yet something resonates in them.
A simple issue of a certain house help being absent can create such a turmoil in routines is something only a homemaker will understand.

I don’t want to give away too much here so do delve into this one right away. I so enjoyed Shunali’s previous book and absolutely loved this effervescent read.