Janmashtami at Moglys Gurgaon
Krishanji's Birthday has come! He is full of love and never fears.
Come and celebrate Janamashtami the Mogly's way!
We will see Krishna's birth story, dance wearing a morpankh, eat some butter and have lots of fun!
Call or message to register:
Shweta: 9873343637(for Delhi), Ruchi: 9818558699 (for Gurgaon)
(Call between 9am-6pm)
Astronomical Summer Camping(Mega Meteor Shower)
Sat, 12 Aug 2017 4:00PM – Sun, 13 Aug 2017 11:00AM
Damdama Lake (Damdama Lake Gurgaon)
Rs 2499 onwards
The Perseid meteor shower, the most prolific meteor shower of the year, peaks on the night of August 12, 2017. The Perseid is favorite for many stargazers because it has more bright meteors than most showers, usually about 50-60 per hour.
Like most meteor showers, the Perseids are sand grain sized debris shed from a comet, in this case, Comet Swift-Tuttle. As the Earth passes through the comet’s debris trail every year, some particles enter our atmosphere and vapourise, generating the bright streaks we call meteors. Very few, if any, make it to the Earth’s surface. Some hit the Moon, too, though they’re too faint to see, even with a telescope.
Art of Miniature Gardening – Craft a Fancy Fairy Garden
Sat, 12 Aug 2017 10:30 am
Zorba The Buddha, South Delhi
Imagine a mini garden in a pot with cute little pebble patio, a pond, miniature plants and lots of little accessories like mushrooms, bugs, garden benches and more.Learn the art of miniature gardening in this fun & creative Do-It-Yourself Gardening workshop.With demonstrations and hands on help; you will be taught simple techniques to transform succulents, sand, soil, pebbles etc into rejuvenating little gardens
Contact : Shruti Phone : +91 9311131096 Email : awake@zorbathebuddha.org
Paint Umbrella & Celebrate Independence Day at V-Club, Gurgaon
Sun, 13 Aug 2017 11:00AM
V Club , Gurgaon
Gear up to celebrate this Independence Day your way. Give another reason to make the celebration extra and memorable by doing something unique.
Join Inku Kumar for his signature Umbrella Painting Workshop and take home a beautiful, colorful umbrella painted by you.Come and join us for a fun intimate gathering to splash some colors on white umbrellas. Personalize them with beautiful calligraphy and create a master piece which you can simply flaunt this season. It’s also an excellent opportunity to do some creativity with tri-colours!
Soulmate LIVE
Sat, 12 Aug 2017 8:30PM
The Wine Company, DLF CyberHub
Get ready for a soulful experience with Soulmate at The Wine Company. Filled with passion and purpose, Soulmate is dedicated to playing the Blues and spreading the awareness of different genres of music in India.
All the way from Shillong, they are here to share their soulful renders. Rudy Wallang, the Guitar player, singer and a songwriter lead the tight knit musical unit along with Tipriti Kharbangar who is a beautiful and talented vocalist and rhythm guitarist of Soulmate. These two ensure a high-octane performance every time! One of the most prominent achievements of the band was at the Jack Daniels Rock Music Awards in 2009, when Tipriti Kharbangar won the Best Female Vocalist award while Rudy Wallang bagged the trophy for Best Guitar Player
Event Details Source: Facebook
Are u sure about gurgaon schooling expo at crowne plaza? If I google about this, it does not show any such event.
Neha, even i am not sure.
Did you get more info.
How did you register for this.
It was held today at Crowne Plaza
Bad Luck. I missed it. There is another such upcoming event in Epicentre, sector 44 on 26 and 27th August.
Hi , there isn't any contact detail for damdama lake camp.