I am a woman and a mother of a 9-year-old girl and the molestation and rape incidents across our country has really made me very angry and worried. Women safety has become a matter of joke with such atrocities increasing by the day. What is wrong with the men? Why are they stooping so low and resorting to such heinous crimes against women? The laws in our country are not as it should actually be. Such criminals actually fear no law and hence it is imperative that our government brings in stricter laws especially against crimes like molestation and rape so that no criminal be it an adult or a juvenile is allowed to walk freely. 

The time has come that women should come forward and empower themselves and their daughters. The time has come that mothers teach their sons how to behave and treat girls.Being a girl’s mother I am often advised to put her into some activity classes like dancing, singing or painting.Well, I think currently the need is to get our daughters trained in self-defense. So taekwondo it is for her. If she learns this martial art form, she would be well equipped to take care of her own safety if the need arises. The time has come to make our daughters strong both mentally and physically so that no one can take advantage of them at any stage.

Our safety is in our own hands and we should do whatever we can for the same. There are many safety products and devices available these days like pepper sprays, safety alarms and knives that have been created for the security of women and children.We need to invest in these as it would be an investment for a safe environment for ourselves and our children. It is horrific to see incidents of atrocities against women and I can’t imagine the pain and trauma the women & children who are subjected to this go through. Empowering women and children to take care of their own safety is the need of the hour and the same should start from one’s own home .

" Talk to your daughters about being safe, talk to your sons about consent "