Mix a spoonful of fresh grated coconut with equal quantity of jaggery and add 2 pinches of edible camphor powder.This mixture should be eaten before sunrise for 3 consecutive days.This helps in completely reducing Migraine pain.

Source-from the book Arogyanidhi by pujya Asaramji Baju.

Migraine cure with cow's ghee
Put 2 drops of pure Cow's ghee in both the nostrils in the morning and evening for seven days.This will relieve a person from migraine symptoms and pain .
As told by Pujya Asaramji Bapu.
For Migraine Pain
Mix curd,rice and rock candy sugar.When the mixture is eaten before sunrise it reduces migraine pain.
Carrot leaves help for Migraine
carrots with leaves-image in the public domain from wiki.

The leaves of carrot are washed well and patted dry.Smear a few drops of ghee on them and  heat  for a few seconds.The wilted leaves are crushed and the juice is used as nose drops.2-3 drops in each nostril will make the person sneeze and the migraine pain eases away in minutes.

An apple a day….for migraines
Eating an Apple on an empty stomach in the morning relieves one of migraine pain. This must be done for a few mornings.


Vishnukantha or Aparajitha plant cure for Migraine
Even the most stubborn migraine is cured according to the tip released by Acharya Balakrishnaji of Baba Ramdevji's Ashram.


English name:Butterfly pea.

Maharastra and kerala:Sank pushp

Wash and clean the root.Extract the juice of this root and put 4 drops in each nostril.Even the most stubborn Migraine is cured.This also cures all types of head pains .Must be done once a day for a few days for the symptoms to disappear.The root can be pounded and made into a paste with water and this is applied on the forehead for faster relief.

For more Simple Ayurvedic Health tips, visit http://simpleayurvedichealthtips.blogspot.in/