It all started about 2 months back, when I was surfing through Netflix. Found a documentary called ‘The Minimalists’.
They say right, “The teacher will appear when the student is ready.”
That’s exactly what happened.
I was being burdened with the stress of the upkeep of my home. I am not and never have been a home cleanliness freak. For the simple reason that I like using that energy elsewhere.
But then, I asked myself ” Why keep so much stuff?”
I mean so many artefacts, loads of furniture, unnecessary stuff on walls, so many clothes, so many shoes, so many undergarments, so much linen, so much jewelry, so many books, so many utensils, so many cosmetics…. The list is endless.
That’s when it struck!
I decided to begin on the Minimalism Project, with my husband. Our son was only too happy to join.
We just started giving away stuff room by room.
We would look at a thing for not more than 5 seconds and decide whether it will stay, be thrown or donated.
We ended up donating 70% of our so called ‘things’.
Things that represented nothing. Nothing.
This process is slightly different from decluttering. To put it simply, decluttering is a subset of Minimalism.
Decluttering will involve cleaning up, tidying up, removing things you don’t need anymore.
Minimalism will involve all of the above, plus identifying the fact that you don’t ‘need’ so many things in the first place. Slowly, it will become part of your personality.
I cannot tell you how liberating it feels, two months later.
Our home speaks our language fully.
Only things that matter have been retained. And we take care of them.
Cleaning is a 2 minute job now.
Our minds, like our homes have been freed up of negative / stagnant thoughts to allow for free movement of new ideas and abundant energy.
If you are on the verge of trying this, I would wholeheartedly recommend that you go ahead.
Its a cathartic experience.