“Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded.” – Jess Lair

A parent’s life usually revolves around their child. But most times, we forget that our children are separate individuals with their own likes and dislikes. 

As children grow, they tend to voice their opinion (and they ought to), but we have been conditioned to label them while forgetting that we were once teenagers too! 

I decided to talk to a few teens and pre-teens about their lives and struggles. 

Believe me when I say that they came across as more genuine, clear, and grounded than most of us. All they want from us is a little bit of quality time and a patient listening ear! 

So lets drop our judgements and take a sneak peek into their illuminated minds. 

Is being a kid hard? 

CHILD A :There are different things that make being a kid hard. Doing certain things in school, like giving exams are hard. Sometimes certain children at school make fun of you if you don’t wear branded stuff. Thats hard.Sometimes parents have high expectations. I understand that they want their children to prosper.

But it gets hard to take a break and enjoy your time.Sometimes, the parents won’t let you try something (helping with something, etc.) because they will think that you will mess up. Thats hard.

CHILD B : Sometimes, like when I have loads of homework or an exam, all I really want to do is play with my friends or listen to my playlist!

CHILD C : Sometimes yes, definitely not always though. Being a kid has its ups and downs.


Do you prefer being listened to or getting advise? 

CHILD A: It depends on the situation. If I am asking a question or asking for advice, then a suggestion or an idea is what I want. But if I am having a sort of breakdown or I’m trying to express my emotions, a listening ear is what I need. 

CHILD B : Yes, I love getting advice from my parents about different things, and my mom and dad are really good listeners too.

CHILD C : I prefer being listened to rather than getting advice for the most part. I understand the importance of reaching out for help, but I want to fight my own battles to the best of my ability as well.


Is there someone you can talk to about your issues at home? 

CHILD A : Yes. With both my parents.

CHILD B : Yes, I share anything and everything with my mom and dad, because at the end of the day, they are the ones who understand me the best. They are my best friends!

CHILD C : Yes, I often talk to my family about issues.


Do you feel understood? 

CHILD A : Most times.

CHILD B : Yes! Sometimes they might not get things, but 99% of the time they get me.

CHILD C : I don’t feel understood on many occasions, and that is not limited to just family. Sometimes it also comes across as if the other party is not even trying to understand you in the first place.


Would you like a weekend ritual with your parents where you get to spend quality time with them? 

CHILD A : Yes … like going out for meals, watching a movie together, or playing a sport. 

CHILD B : Yeah, a little break just to spend time with them would be really awesome. Just the three of us.

CHILD C : Definitely.


Do you share all your secrets with your parents? 

CHILD A : Yes 

CHILD B : Yep! Though I don’t really have any,

CHILD C : I share most of my secrets with my parents, although there’s one or two I keep to myself.


Would you like to have something done differently in your home?

CHILD A : Not really. I want to play more sports with my parents. Nothing else. I love my home.

CHILD B : Other than getting a puppy, I love my home. There’s nothing I would change. It’s beautiful and full of love. One day, I will get a puppy too.


Is there something you would want your parents to understand about you? 

CHILD A : I would want my parents to be more open to imperfections. Especially my mother. She gets troubled with small things.Sometimes parents need to understand that friends are important. Not as important as family, but still important. Because friends are also going through the same stuff, it is a relief when someone your age can relate to your problems.

CHILD B : Honestly, I just want them to understand that I would like to be a little more independent, like going down to the park with friends alone or coming home from the bus alone sometimes. Other than that, they understand me really well, and I love them so much.

(The children were requested to answer whatever questions they wanted to – there was no pressure.)